Christ Church Media

National Day of Reflection resources National Day of Reflection is 23rd March. Organised by Marie Curie, the National Day of Reflection looks to reflect on our collective loss, support those who’ve been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future. You can access prayers and liturgical resources, as......

This is the desert, [using Godly Play desert bag] well a piece of the desert.  So many important things happened to the people of God in the desert.  And today we think about Jesus driven by the Spirit into the wilderness.  The desert is a......

Sermon for Transfiguration 2Kings 2 1-12 & Mark 9 2-11. The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ is observed by many Protestant tradition on the last Sunday before Lent whilst in the Catholic and Episcopal traditions on the 6th of August. In the Protestant tradition,......

This Second Sunday before Lent is always a Creation Sunday in the Church of England; perhaps to set Lent within a much broader picture; to open our eyes to God’s loving purposes lest we go in for too much privatised introspection!  Psalm 104 is a......

Sermon for 3rd Sunday of Epiphany and week of prayer for Christian Unity John15:1-17 & 1 Corinthians 1:1-3  Download the service sheet. Download the reading for this Sunday. Today the 6th day of prayer for Christian unity falls on the 3rd Sunday in Epiphany......

In a normal year at Christmas there is a time when everyone has to make plans and decide who they are going to visit this year. Married couples or partners will be making sure to take it in turns between parents, Aunts and Uncles which......

In Paul’s 1st letter to the Thessalonians he encouraged them to rejoice always, this runs contrary to what most of us are feeling with the kind of year we have all had. Some have lost close family and friends to the virus, jobs and homes......

In Roman-occupied Palestine during the 1st Century an extraordinary, shocking event happened that shook the Jewish faith to its foundations. It was a pivotal moment in the history of religion, and took place at the heart of the Holy Land.  Download the service sheet. Now......

Advent 1st Sunday Year B, Mark 13:24-37 To begin I like to ask if you can recollect the start of the school year a couple of months ago which seems to be a long time ago.  Now that you are thinking about the start of......

Thanksgiving and Loss/Christ the King (Matthew 25.31-end)   If today’s service is packaged as one which is a gift to our community and to our cultural moment; tapping into the broad sense in which we have lost so much this year; but might also have......

Do I know you?  A question I ask myself as someone comes towards me in the street; since we all started wearing masks it can be tricky.   Added to which we are all trying to steer a course away from each other, and so, getting......

National Safeguarding Communications 2020   Merton Priory Churches are supporting National Safeguarding Adults Week #SafeguardingAdultsWeek to make people aware of the different types of abuse that some people experience. National Adult Safeguarding week starts on Monday 16 November – is an excellent opportunity to promote adult......

1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 & Matthew 25.1-13 Here we are, my brothers and sisters, in a second national lockdown.  We may feel glad about this step or resigned to it or disappointed or angry or all of the above and more.  I wonder whether, as the......

Memorial Service: 1 Nov 3.00pm at St John the Divine, High Path, SW19 2JY If you would like the name of a loved one remembered either write their name on the paper at one of the churches or email Alison ( Space is limited but......

Sermon on Racial Justice Sunday: Luke 18 1-8 & Genesis 32.22-31 Today we mark Racial Justice Sunday which seem appropriate seeing that it falls within October which is celebrated as Black History Month. I will come back to this later, the two scripture readings we......

Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity.   ‘By whose authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority.’ Ask the chief priests and the elders as Jesus is teaching in the Synagogue.  Download the service sheet. Describe to me someone in authority, what do......

Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity. Sermon on forgiveness by by Nick Mayhew-Smith.  Download the service sheet. Found some chocolates that had been left for Alison. But I was hungry and I ate them all down quickly. We can move on to the service though because......

Homily Trinity 13: 6 September 2020 – Ezekiel 33.7-11 & Matthew 18.15-20: Today has been designated as Climate Sunday and it begins a short period which, in recent years, has been called Creationtide: it fits in with the usual time for Harvest Festivals and culminates......

Homily Trinity 11 – 23 August 2020: Romans 12.1-8 & Matthew 16.13-20 ‘I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.’  Download......

Ninth Sunday After Trinity   The two readings morning challenged me to evaluate my personality on the risk-taking spectrum where I consider myself to be. I am not interested in parachuting out of plane or going to the racing track because am terrified of the......

Sixth Sunday After Trinity Download the service sheet [ PDF ]. Hellfire, brimstone and the eternal flames of damnation lie in wait. I’m joking of course. It’s probably not the first time however in the past 150 years when the pulpit of this church has been......

Petertide, in the contemporary Church, is the preferred time for ordinations.  The small-print of my diary is littered with my own and friends’ anniversaries of ordination during these days; in fact, today is my twelfth anniversary of ordination as a deacon and eleventh anniversary as......

Prayers and Scripture for private use in church or at home, and Prayers for Racial Healing. Download the Prayers and Scripture for private use in church or at home [ PDF ].   Download the Prayer for Racial Healing [ PDF ].   Please bring this......

Rev’d Alison Judge explains the story of Jonah and the Whale that teaches the need for obedience to God’s instructions and also God’s grace that gives us a second chance to fulfil our purpose. ...

Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing make you afraid. All things are passing. God alone never changes. Patience gains all things. If you have God you will want for nothing. God alone suffices. — St. Teresa, The bookmark of Teresa of Ávila, From Wikipedia, source Teresa......

Prayers for the week, by Joy Lyons   Open our eyes Lord and help us to see you in the awesomeness of your creation, but also to see you in one another needs at this time of crisis. Open our ears Lord and help us......

For online service on the Feast of Pentecost, please follow this link. A homily for Pentecost Sunday 2020 by the Rt Revd Dr Richard Cheetham, Bishop of Kingston A Pentecost message from the Bishop of Southwark  A ‘thank you’ from the Archdeacons of the......

We shall be having another Messy Church online-gathering on Saturday 13 June and our theme will be the story of God’s call to Jonah (Jonah 1).  So if you would like to join in here are some creative things that you could make or do.......

Prayers for the week, by Liz Holder From Christian Aid: A prayer for times of isolation ‘For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come… will be able to separate us from the love......

Thy Kingdom Come – Christian week of prayer from Ascension to eve of Pentecost – By Rev’d Belemo Alagoa.  Download the service sheet [ PDF ]. Download the collect and reading for this sunday [ PDF ]. A couple of days ago the church ......

Today we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord into heaven, and the end of his earthly ministry. In some ways it is an end point in the Christian story, Jesus vanishing, closure on that chapter of our evolution, closure on an earthly life, closure on......

O God our Father, you invite us to pray, and you grant what we ask, when we ask according to your will. Hear me as I tremble in this darkness, and stretch forth your hand to me. Shine your light before me. Recall me from......

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy, In this time of uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, And lift up all who are brought low, That we may rejoice in your comfort, knowing that nothing can separate us from......

A Messy Church celebration from Merton Priory Team. As part of our Messy Church initiative Rev’d Alison Judge shares the story of Noah’s ark and God’s Rainbow along with the art work done by the Children of the Merton Priory Team. ...

 Prayers – Mardelle Jordan  I will lift up my eyes to the hills form where cometh my help My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.   For those who have to make decisions that......

Our next Messy Church is due to take place on 9 May and will again be a virtual celebration. The theme will be Noah’s Ark and you can read the story in Genesis starting at Chapter 6 and going through to Chapter 9 verse 17. There......

Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your SonJesus Christ delivered and saved the world: grant that by faith in him who suffered on thecross we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who......

Join in us worship and prayer recorded by Rev’d Mark Eminson – Team Rector. During this challenging season, let us come together through digital sources to share our faith and exemplify the hope and peace that God offers to all of us. (Audio Recording)...

Video Message from Rev’d Mark Eminson on Mothering Sunday. Coronavirus Pandemic: Thought for the Week 21.3.20, by Mark Eminson Here we are, brothers and sisters, in these unprecedented times, on the eve of a very untypical Mothering Sunday: no church services, no meals out or......

The term ‘Spiritual Communion’ has been used historically to describe the means of grace by which a person, prevented for some serious reason from sharing in a celebration of the Eucharist, nonetheless shares in the communion of Jesus Christ. The form of prayer below offers......

If it is not possible for people to worship together, the various Church of England apps for Daily Prayer and Reflections are a wonderful resource and unite us in prayer. Alongside them, we have crafted two simple acts of worship, particularly geared to those who......