
Sunday 19 January – Second Sunday of Epiphany

10:30 am: Team Service with Junior Church at Holy Trinity

Note: There is no Sunday morning service at Christ Church on 19 January

The Week Ahead

Please download the latest bulletin to keep up to date with what is going on at Christ Church.

Monday 13 Bp Martin Reimagine Church 7pm Zoom

Tuesday 14 7.30pm St John’s DCC meets
(Wednesday meditation is back)

Thursday 16 7.30pm Christ Church DCC meets

Saturday 18 Domestic Abuse training at Christ Church 2-4.30pm

Bronze Eco Church

Christ Church is now Bronze Eco Church. Eco Church is a scheme run by A Rocha UK equipping churches to care for God’s creation through their worship, buildings, land, community engagement, and individual lifestyles. Explore Eco Church.

Annual Report

The annual report of The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Merton Priority is now available for download.


You can participate in our giving programme to support our mission through standing order or online. Explore our Giving options.